Having the conviction that people are the most valuable asset of a company, we select our staff with absolute meritocratic elements and ensure their development on a daily basis. We […]
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5th Cycle of Seminars
The continuous effort to upgrade our services and the clear aim to join forces with our Partners, gives us the power to constantly envision new innovative, modern ideas and plans for the future.
Grohe seminar 4 August 2018
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took […]
Sime Seminar 18 July 2018
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took […]
Interplast SA Innovation Seminar by Kanellakis SA.
In the context of the 5th Cycle of Seminars and with a view to the continuous training and updating of its partners in new technologies and new products, KANELLAKIS S.A. […]
Presentation Comisa 26-6-17
New exclusive collaboration with the Italian house COMISA. 26/6/2017 In the Presentation Hall of the Kifissos store the presentation of COMISA products that will be available in the Greek market […]
Staff Training Seminar 10&12 July
The human resources of KANELLAKIS S.A. are one of its most important structural elements. We believe that beyond any technical infrastructure, building facilities or organizational systems, the human factor will […]
Seminar RM 3-7-17
3/7/2017. In the context of the continuous training and information of its Partners in new technologies and new products, KANELLAKIS S.A. in cooperation with the Italian House Raccorderie Metalliche, successfully […]
Vaillant seminar 24-5-17
24/5/2017. With commitment to continuous and substantial information of our Partners in the framework of the 4th Cycle of Seminars, the company KANELLAKIS S.A. in cooperation with THERMOGAZ S.A. held with […]